Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tractor fun...

So, Mommy was unpacking the car, and I got away from her (she actually went to snatch the camera). She caught me up on Papa's tractor having a blast. I love to sit on them if they are off. When the loud noise turns on, it's all over.

Little helper...

Who said doing dishes is hard? If I can do them, anyone can. Stop complaining people!

Knock, knock...

Who is it? It's me, Claire. Mommy found Great Grandma's hat. I think it is soooo cute! I love hiding in the door way and popping in for a visit!

Suck away...

This is my first sucker ever (at least that mom knows about). I loved it. Mommy didn't think that it was so neat with all of the sticky stuff. But, she let me have it because it was the safe kind.

Best buds...

This is my very best friend, Maverick. I ask for him all of the time. We're going to grow up and stay friends forever like Aunt Kelsie and Mommy!

Granny loves me...

If Papa can't protect me, Granny will. She's so fun!

Loud sirens...

Papa is so brave. He's not even afraid of the firetrucks. I tried to be brave, but the minute I heard those loud sirens, I ran to Papa.

Memorial Day Parade...

I am posing in my red, white, and blue! Awww, so cute!